Christmas Carol Service
Next Coffee Mornings
The next Coffee mornings are:
Sundays 1st and 3rd
15th December 2024
19th January 2025
2nd February 2025
15th February 2025
2nd March 2025
15th March 2025
6th April 2025
20th April 2025
all 10:00 to 12:00
Please come and support our village hall.
We are disabled friendly and can offer assistance delivery the food to your table.
Coffee Mornings are back
Opening times 10-12 noon
First and third Sunday of each month
COVID SAFE re-opening
Gillingham Village Hall are pleased to announce that we will be reopening from June the 1st 2021.
Our committee members and regular hirers have used the recent enforced closure time to ensure that we are able to conform with current government COVID safe guidelines.
We will require that safe, responsible conduct and hygiene measures are adhered to and that the number of persons and activity restrictions are met, to continue to meet current and future guidelines.
Please contact us on 07395 958210 for booking enquires or further information.